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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ROB MACHADO & MACY MACHADO TOGETHER IN CAMPY

Rob mach ado surf-trip france

“Van life, is the best life” Rob Machado


Hello Rob Machado and welcome to the Basque Country , thanks for the interview

Rob Machado: Cool I love this place – Thanks !

Rob, why have you decided to make this road trip in the Basque Country ?

Rob Machado: First of all, this is a very special trip to me as.

I’ll be travelling with my daughter Macy who lives in the Reunion Island. We live far away from one another and we don’t get to see each other too often, so we decided to meet just us two for a 2 week trip on the Atlantic coast. And the Basque country is at the middle point between the Reunion Island and California

Rob machado & Macy Machado Hossegor

Surf trip Rob Machado’s Family- Macy Machado

Have you planned your trip ?

Rob Machado: Not really… we’re just gonna check the waves, see the contests, visit the inside country, meet with some friends, and enjoy the scenary, the light,…

How have you heard of Campy Camper Biarritz ?

Rob Machado: I’ve got this old friend JC Clenet I met in Bdx in the early 90. I asked him if he knew where I could rent a camper van with unlimited mileage in the area and he sent me your link. I liked Campy Camper’s  web site and the concept.

Oh thanks ! because we know you often use camper vans during your trips…

We discovered you were friends with Jay Nelson. Awesome, he’s a real artist !

Rob Machado veut montrer les photos ( toyata pick up Camper) (house truck)

spécialisé dans le bois ( recherche….)

 We saw you surfing with an Alaïa  and we know how interested you are in surf shaping, the design… What do you think about preparing one of our next vans with Paulownia wood ?

Rob Machado:That’s a good idea has paulownia has many qualities such as lightness and is humidity free. However its’ strength still needs to be tested – I’ll ask Jay about it – and its’ price is pretty high (it comes from China and Korea)

Will you promote your latest board ?  

Rob Machado: I have designed and shaped many boards lately ( Go Fish, Midas, Melted Butter, Creeper, Almond Butter) It’s a passion that makes me happy to make my own boards or for other persons, and it’s also exciting to develop the brand.


Do you have time to do so ?

Rob Machado: Surf remains my priority and I have a lot of free time that I use for shaping and also to work on the creative part of marketing with my sponsors.

Macy Machado:What would be your ideal road trip ? where would you like to go ?

Rob Machado: Mexico, Australia for the big open spaces, and southern France for its waves at this time of the year. There are so many waves along the coastline ! and many places where to camp as well. You know just hit the road and get lost !

Would you prefer a big American kind of van ?

Rob Machado: Not necessarily.. the bigger the van and the more shit you put in it !! the size must be compatible to the number of people travelling. A medium size will do if everyone is organized and space conscious.

Macy Machado: Anyway whatever the road trip, you don’t need to many things, only what is essential : a surfboard, a wetsuit…clin d œil complice entre père et fille

Is it your first road trip Macy ?

Macy Machado:No, this will be the second as we already did one in California.

Did you bring your board with you ?

Macy Machado: Hahaha!!!….I think I’ll borrow Dad’s

Rob, what is your opinion on Paskowitz family and the way they lived ? live aside the society and hit the road with the whole family, 11 persons in a 8sqm caravan ?

Rob Machado: Oh you saw the movie SurfWize (documentaire americain realisé par Doug  Pray)?

Well, that’s a way different and crazy way of growing up – going from places to places, no money, living in the moment. I know Johnathan Israel and some of his brothers…they’re amazing persons. There’s so much life in that family, they’re so outgoing.. it must come from their education.

Do you think such way of living would still be possible nowdays ?

Rob Machado:I do with a little more organization… you can always find places where to sleep.

Do you think it’s easier in Central America ?

Rob Machado: Some places are perfect for that, others shall be avoided. Anyway it’s always better to travel with a smile on your face.

Can you park anywhere to sleep in the US ?

Rob Machado: No – however there are many places dedicated to camping and a good tip to know, is to sleep on Walmart’s parking lots. It’s very easy especially that there are Walmarts everywhere. They don’t kick the campers out ! The idea is to park there at night and good to the beach during the day.

The van was amazing. So happy to have a mobile house to be able to eat,sleep, cruise….it’s the best way to cruise in the southwest of France.

The campy is so compact but perfect for cruising up and down the coast. We all of our boards, some snacks, and we were ready for anything!!

Thank you so much for letting us enjoy the campy. It made our TRIP so much special.


Van life is the best life!


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